swastika eyes fuck off!!

... the following is opinion based on realtime activities and deflected attacks.
to the "oh-so-pleasant" roster of people who are affiliated, until proven innocent, on the charge of contributing to the delinquent frequencies of organized stalking behaviors between individuals, I would call you the Nazi pig. That scum fuck perpetrator that would commit another being to feel as tormented engaging in unfit activities or worse... feeling the craze of perpetual harassment, of the evil incarnated, of swarming negative energies... these "well-paid" shit holes of the earth give scum a worse name, even dirt has a purpose above those who have no reason, no purpose harassing anyone... myself included ;P ... this line of commute shall not be silenced, pig dogs, only declassified for the masses to see... working to remove the veil of secrecy is not easy, but the feeling of pure realization is a potent enough provocation to defeat the immature brats who decide that others are not worth the effort to embrace... what inhumane defecation these beings deliver their hate-filled tirades... the holy sickness of righteous impersonality dealing with the "rejects" they deem entertaining enough to torture... the thorough madness that overtakes an individual whim, and brings it into the realm of wholesale experimentation and slaughter, it is enough to make all denizens of this plane revert back to primal aggression... do they just have some kind of bizarre death wish that overrides any moral or decent function in reality?... the role seems innately subversive, in order to confront current regimes that make no sense overall, but their tactics are really despicably outdated and horribly fascist rhetoric... many are responsible for the reprehensible behavior of these no-good-nicks, but it seems as though they believe that they are doing a service to humanity by cleaning away the "slop"... wrong beyond any rationale, and yet they care less for more than their own personal plights, labeling those individuals as mad or worse as subjects to be fucked with by fate... their manipulations are deleterious to themselves as much as to others, but they always seem to be within a cloud of hazy misunderstanding... acting as though wholly unaware of their actions, atrocious ideas of segmented society and superiority of ego, but no truth but selfish commitment enacted for the benefit of making others feel inferior... mocking and mirroring and participating in street theater to make innocence warp into bitterness though the experience of traumatic initiations into that grandiose cult of fear, that thing that should not be, and yet still we are seen to be in fear but without fear... none of the usual trappings of such a state as one where in which we all have been thoroughly brainwashed to think that there ever was a hierarchy... such ladders of imaginary power were only devised to protect the aged and decrepit monsters that ever perceived the original threat... this experiment in terror can only work as long anyone allows themselves to follow the leader, but can end in trapping oneself inside of a paranoid machine, a reminder that there can never be only the right way to live...